Techsave lifts the cap to sustainability

Techsave lifts the cap to sustainability

We have added the most sustainable cap on market to our merchandise portfolio. It comes with a story we are proud to share.As a part of Techsave’s mission to become more sustainable every day we have taken a look at our merchandise and our wish for a Techsave cap. We...
Techsave is setting a green agenda

Techsave is setting a green agenda

We want to set the standard for how a company in our industry can act responsibly in relation to the environment. Our new corporate identity is a step towards reaching our goal. At Techsave we are proud to announce the launch of our new logo and brand identity as part...
I dropped my phone in the toilet!

I dropped my phone in the toilet!

By now we have heard this question so many times: “Do you guys fix liquid damaged phones”? Followed by “my daughter just dropped hers in the toilet.” Did you know that the toilet and bath account for almost 35% of all phones that have been liquid damaged? During our...