First company to receive the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in new category

af | 21. okt, 2020 | News, Sustainability

Today marks an important step in Techsave’s history as we are the first company to receive the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in the brand-new category for “Cleaning liquid damaged technology”.

The certificate was presented to Techsave at an event during the Green Impact Week in Copenhagen. The certification of the Techsave service comes after four years of successfully reducing the environmental impact of e-waste from liquid damages across Europe.

Five Nordic Techsave partners have also been certified today together with Techsave due to their status as Techsave partners, their Nordic locations and because they live up to the requirements set by the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

The partners are from Denmark; StayOnline ServicePartner DK and ADmire and from Finland and Norway Mcare and Elcare Nordic respectively.

Read more about the criteria HERE.

At Techsave we are very proud to have achieved the certification with the Nordic Ecolabel just eight months after the requirements were launched. Being certified cements our sustainable strategy. And what better than to get the ecolabel in a category that covers a service that, in its very essence saves resources, reduces CO2 emissions and reduces the amount of electronic waste – as the Ecolabel describes it.

It’s a very big day in Techsave’s history, and I’m very proud of the whole team behind it. Our whole DNA is about doing something good for the environment for the benefit of people and the planet’s resources, and we get an official recognition of that now. I am very proud,” says Henrik Rafn, CEO of Techsave, and continues:

One must keep in mind that the number of discarded smartphones and laptops is one of the fastest growing waste areas globally, and we need to talk about how we can improve the planet’s environment, CO2 emissions and recycle critical raw materials. A significant proportion of all liquid-damaged e-waste can actually be repaired and recycled, and we have set ourselves that goal in Techsave. The Nordic Ecolabel is a formal pat on the back, and we are very proud of that”.

They are also celebrating the certification at Ecolabelling Denmark, the organization behind Nordic Swan Ecolabel:
“Cleaning liquid-damaged electronics is a circular business model that focuses on extending the life of electronics – and thereby reducing both the amount of electronic waste and the need for the production of new electronics. And the circular economy is badly needed if we are to solve some of the biggest challenges of our time”, says Martin Fabiansen, director of Ecolabelling Denmark and continues:

The Nordic Ecolabel aims to help solve these challenges by including the entire product life cycle in the assessment when requirements are set. In this way, the Nordic Ecolabel advocates for low environmental impact throughout the life cycle of the product or service and to keep resources with the greatest possible value in the circular economy after use. We are therefore very pleased that the first license has been awarded within a new and circular product group”.

E-waste is considered by the UN to be the fastest growing waste area in Europe and the USA. With the patented and now eco-labelled technology Techsave helps reduce liquid-damaged e-waste across Europe. Furthermore, CO2 reductions are achieved by prolonging the life of the products and thus pushing the need for producing new devices.