I spilled coffee on my laptop – what should I do?

af | 4. jul, 2019 | Most popular, News

You know the scene, you can even picture it going on in slow motion. You sit at your desk with a nice cup of coffee next to your laptop working on your project. And then in one swift motion, you accidentally hit the cup with your hand – and everything goes black.
Your laptop is dead, and you wonder if there is any hope left. Will your pictures, documents, school paper, or that important report you were working on survive?
Whether it’s coffee, water, coke, tea, or another liquid you spill on your laptop, it’s not the end of the world, even though it may feel like it.
Techsave has the solution.

You need to perform first aid on your laptop
Before we give you the solution you need to give your laptop some first aid assistance:

Step 1: Turn off the laptop immediately. Don’t waste time on doing it correctly and close programs – hold down the power button until it turns off. Unplug the laptop and remove any outlets from your computer.
You don’t want to have any power going into the laptop as this will cause short circuits and it will make everything worse. Even though the computer didn’t go black or if you should still be able to turn it on – don’t.

Step 2: Wipe off any excess liquids from the screen and keyboard and move it to a dry place.
It’s important to get as much of the liquids out and to wipe of any sticky liquids such as coke or sugary tea.

Step 3: Remove the battery if possible. On some laptops it’s not possible to remove it but if so, take it out, wipe it clean and place it in a dry place. Remember to bring it to the repair center together with the laptop.Step 4: Place your laptop upside down like a tent to let any remaining liquids drip out of the laptop. Place a towel underneath. Let it dry overnight or until you can go to the repair center.

Time is of the essence!
Techsave has developed a patented process that can save your laptop and we have teamed up with repair centers across Europe. The sooner you go to your local Techsave partner repair shop, the better. Corrosion will start to form in your computer and you want to get that out right away. Fast repair means lower repair costs and better results.
In many cases, a Techsave cleaning will even save your laptop without the need for replacement parts. And maybe the most important thing – it will even keep your data intact.
Techsave cleans thousands of devices each year with a success rate of +80 %. That’s a lot!

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