What is the most common drink to spill in a laptop during the summer?

af | 8. aug, 2018 | Case stories, News

During the summer we have had a lot of request on our live chat from people who spilled different liquids in their laptop. And where else to turn than Techsave to get help with bringing your beloved laptop back to life.

The most common spill is…
The summer of 2018 has been one of the hottest summers any of us can remember, and therefore it is obvious that people drink a lot of cold drinks while surfing on their laptop in the cool shade. So, what is the most common liquid spill we meet on the chat? Cold water, icy-cold cola?

You guessed it wrong – we have mostly received request from people who have spilled hot tea on their laptop. Maybe people are drinking healthy green tea or waiting for it to cool down? We will never know, but besides from it being a bit of a surprise, it doesn’t matter for the Techsave machine. Tea, soda, water – the Techsave machine cleans it all and in many cases the devices will not even require additional repairs.

Other things people spill in their laptop is chocolate milk, water, beer and one guy even had the pleasure of his cat peeing on his laptop. No matter the liquid you are most welcome to contact us and we will help bring your laptop back to life.

How it works
When you contact us via the chat we will direct you to your closest Techsave partner repair center. If you live far from a Techsave partner, we will arrange for you to ship your computer instead.

Living outside Europe? Don’t worry we will take very good care of your device and make sure that it is returned to you in good shape! Contact us now and let us help you save your device.